Cal Ripken Minors
Coaches for 2021 need to be confirmed at all age levels.
9U – Coaches Still Needed
Derrick Look (608) 829-1330
Cal Ripken Majors
TJ Esser
12U Joe Studee
Babe Ruth 13
Coaches Still Needed!
Babe Ruth 14 & 15
Jim Nonn (608) 279-4769
Babe Ruth 16 – 18
Marcel Nonn
A breech in expected coach’s conduct will be reviewed by the Cross Plains Baseball Board and may be subject to disciplinary action. Corrective actions include but are not limited to a verbal warning, a written warning, or seasonal dismissal from the program.
If the Board determines that dismissal is necessary, the coach will no longer be allowed to participate in practices and cannot be present on the sideline during games. The program will also expect the coach to refrain from communicating with players and families through resources, including email lists.
Coaches who have been dismissed for the balance of a season can be eligible to coach the following season, pending Cross Plains Baseball Board review, discussion and approval. This process requires the offending coach to submit, in writing, a formal request for reinstatement.